Electronic and Computer Industry Guide to Chemical Safety and Environmental Compliance

Electronic and Computer Industry Guide to Chemical Safety and Environmental Compliance

Pennington, H.; Pohanish, Richard P.; Haber, Stanley A.

John Wiley and Sons Ltd







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The chemicals used in the electronics and computing industries are among the most lethal and carcinogenic of any industry. For example, chip production workers suffer a rate of occupational illnesses nearly three times that of manufacturing workers in other industries.
Partial table of contents:; CHEMICAL RECORDS; Acetic Acid; Acetone; Arsine; Asbestos; Barium Chloride; Barium Hydroxide; n-Butyl Glycidyl Ether; Butyrolactone; Calcium Carbonate; Calcium Chloride; Cyclohexane; Cyclohexanone; Diacetone Alcohol; Diborane; Dross, Solder; Epichlorohydrin; Ethyl Silicate; Ferric Chloride; Furfuryl Alcohol; Gallium; Glycidyl Methacrylate; Helium; Hydroquinone; Indium; Kerosene; Lead Acetate; Magnesium; Morpholine; Naphtha; Octane; Pentane; Pyrogallic Acid; Selenium; Sulfuric Acid; Tellurium; Tungsten Hexafluoride; Vinyl Cyclohexene Dioxide; Xenon; Zinc Oxide; Appendices