

How One Man Masterminded the Soviet Drive to Beat America to the Moon

Harford, James

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Preface ix

A Note about Russian Names xvi

Abbreviations xvii

Prologue The Anonymous Chief Designer 1


1 Kibalchich to Korolev 8

2 Growing Up in Ukraine: Broken Family, Bolsheviks, Gliders 16

3 To Moscow: Tupolev, Tukhachevsky, First Rockets 29

4 The Gulag and Sharaga Years 49

5 The German V-2: Bedrock Technology 64

6 The World's First ICBM: Aimed at the USA 91

7 Sputnik: No Big Deal to Khrushchev-At First 121

8 Unmanned Firsts: Hitting the Moon and Venus 139

9 Gagarin First, Shepard an Anti-climactic Second 159

10 Voskhod: A "Circus Act" 180

11 Spy Sats and Com Sats 190

12 The Organization: Korolev Up and Down 201

13 The Technology: Simple but Reliable 219

14 The Party, the Paranoia 230

15 Racing Apollo: The Odds Were Enormous 246

16 The End of Anonymity: Burial in the Kremlin Wall 276

17 After Korolev: Demise of the Circumlunar and Lunar Landing Missions 286

18 Ironic Epilogue 313

Appendix A Chronology of the Moon Race, 1957-1974 324

Notes 340

Bibliography 372

Index 377
Assunto não disponível.
beat; man; one; moon; america; drive; soviet; alike; detail; technical; historical; space; book; exceptional; tale; james harford pieces; masterful; style; narrative; james; first; father; indepth; world; harford; secret; enigmatic chief; fear