Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions
A Comparative Study between India and the USA
Ramesh, B. N.
Taylor & Francis Ltd
15 a 20 dias
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1 Meaning of Mergers and Acquisitions
The Matrix of the Global Economy
Types of Mergers and Acquisitions
Meaning of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (CBMA)
History of the CBMA in India
The CBMA and RBI
Mandatory Prior Approval
Central Government Responsibility of Framing of Rules in Consultation with the RBI
Approval by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Permitted Jurisdiction for an Outbound Merger
Types of CBMAs
The Magnitude of CBMAs
The CBMA and Competition Law in India
The CBMA and Indian Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Financial Sector
CBMA and the Legal Provisions in India
Rules and Regulations
The CBMA and Indian Experience in Implementation
Indian Experience
The FDA and Emerging Markets
The Case of India
Economic Policy Reforms and the CBMA
Major Legal Reforms of the CBMA in India
Demonetisation and the CBMA
Impact of Demonetisation
The CBMA and Growth in Business
The CBMA and Jan Dhan Accounts
People's Inclusiveness and Economic Reforms
Finance Banking Governance Reforms
IT Act and the CBMA
Issuance of Shares in the CBMA
The Framework to the IBC Process-Opportunities
Start-ups and the CBMA
Kaizen and the CBMA
The CBMA and Domestic Experience of Learning Importance
The CBMA and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Foreign Direct Investment Rules
SEBI and the CBMA
Motives for the CBMA
CBMA: Culture and Corporate Governance
The CBMA and Emerging Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
CBMA and the Competition Law, 2002
CBMA and the Stamp Duty Act
CBMA and the Judicial Infrastructure
CBMA and the USA
Securities and Exchange Commission
FTC (The Federal Trade Commission)
The CBMA and USA Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Tax Reforms in the USA, CFC, TIPRA
Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)
FIRPTA, 1980 and THA-2015
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence
The Doctrine of Successor Liability and Department of Justice, USA
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence in Antitrust/Competition Matters
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
The Dodd-Frank Act
National Security in USA and CBMAs
CIFUS and the CBMA
Clayton and the HSR Acts and Amendments
Specific Examples
Comparison between the USA and India
International Law
CBMA and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
CBMA and International Trade
Indices and Ratios
CBMA Emerging Economies, India and BRICS
CBMA in Emerging Economies and Developed Economies
LDC and EM in the CBMA Environment
Emerging Opportunities and CBMA
Comparative CBMA in Various States of the USA
Upheavals in Global Economy
CBMA and Cyber Business
2 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Statutes, Regulations, Rulings, Legislations and Analysis
Culture and the CBMA
CBMAs: Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI)
Solvency and Ongoing Concern
IBC (The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)
Cross-Border Insolvency; India and the USA
The Pre-Pack in the USA
CBMAs and Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA)
Impact of RERA on the Functioning of Real Estate Developers and Other Stakeholders
CBMAs, RERA Priorities Present, and Future
Amendments to PC Act, 1988 and FDI Rules
The CBMA and Insider Trading
The CBMA and Hostile Takeover
The CBMA and Warranties
The CBMA and Industrial Dispute Act and Essential Acts
The CBMA, Specific Relief Act, and Corruption
Corruption and IBC 2016
The CBMA and FDI
Gaps in the CBMA Domestic and International Learning Experience
Purchase and Sales and CBMAs
CBMAs and Influencing Factors
Enabling Factors of the CBMA
Foreign Investors
Motives for the CBMA
The Benefits of the CBMA
Challenges and the CBMA
Corporate Governance
The CBMA Culture Governance and Corporate Governance
Employee Attrition and the CBMA
Comparative Factors, International versus Emerging Countries, and the CBMA
Implementation in Developed Countries-CBMA
Emerging Markets and the CBMA
Example of the CBMA in Intra-emerging Developing Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
Fraud and the CBMA
Insider Trading
Provision of Section 195 of Companies Act, 2013
Competition Law and the CBMA
Provisions and Implementation of the Stamp Duty Act (1899)
Judicial Review
Innovation and the CBMA
Integration and the CBMA
Technology and the CBMA
Research and the CBMA
The Effect of Synergy
Culture and CBMAs
The CBMA and Corruption
Lawyers and the CBMA
Reasons for Failure of the CBMA
3 CBMA, Competition Law, Antitrust and Demerger
Competition, Antitrust and the CBMA
The CBMA and Antitrust Laws
The CBMA and US Antitrust Experience
Case Study
Antitrust Matters and Global Enforcement Guidelines
Antitrust Litigation in the United States
Frivolous, Bad Faith and Sham Commercial Litigation and CBMA
Competition Policy and CBMA in India
Competition Commission of India, Recent Developments
Coordination among Various Regulators
Competition Act, Competition Commission, Mergers, Amalgamation Enforcement, Suggestions
Recent Experience in CBMA and Ease of Doing Business Index
Gaps, Tribunals, Scope for Correction
The Concept of Demergers in India and the USA
Legislative Initiatives in India and Jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry for Corporate Affairs, Government of India
Inbound Mergers
Out Bound Mergers
Companies Compromises and Agreement or Amalgamation Rules, 2016 Bilateral Agreements and CBMA
Nokia's Case
Stamp Duty and CBMA
Stamp Duty Act and Its Implications on CBMA
Stamp Duty Law in India-Legislative Provisions
Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958
Karnataka Stamp Act
Li Taka Pharmaceuticals vs State of Maharashtra (1997)
Hindustan Lever vs State of Maharashtra (2004)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Specific Relief Act, 1963: The Amendment Bill, 2017 Implications on Business Transactions and CBMA
Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Implications of the Amendments to the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA, 1963)
The Proposed Changes
General Rule, Specific Performance and Changes
Discretion Given to Courts and Committees
Rights of Third Parties
Separate Class for Public Contracts
Effects of the Specific Relief (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on the Law of Remedies for Breach of Contract
Limited Liability Act, 2008 and Its Implications on CBMA
LLP Act in India
Corruption Transparency Issues in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, the USA and India
FCPA in the USA
Example of Major Cases
Enforcement in the USA
Control Framework and Structures
Compliance Programmes
Scope of Improvement
Vicarious Liability/Responsibility and CBMA
Anti-corruption due Diligence and Critical Examples
Effectiveness of FCPA Implementation
Critical Examples of Anti-corruption Prosecution in CBMA
Transparency and Evaluation of Indian CBMAs
4 New Legal Initiatives by India in CBMA Environment
Money Laundering and CBMA
SFIO and the CBMA
The Importance of Credit in the CBMA
The CBMA and Banking Reforms
The CBMA and Banking Sector Reforms
RBI Reforms and the CBMA
Tax Havens and the CBMA
Banking Sector and the CBMA
Banking and New Initiatives
Stamp Act and the CBMA
Latest Developments
Improvement in Ease of Doing Business Index
Efforts for Modifications of Law
5 COVID and the CBMA
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Mergers and Acquisitions
COVID-19 Pandemic and the CBMA Trends
Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain Management and COVID-19 Pandemic
Government Regulators
Scope for Increases in FDI and FPI through CBMA during COVID- 19 Pandemic
Travel and Tourism
Regulator Dilemma
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Changes in the Structure of Business in the Context of the CBMA
Investment Funds and SEBI
Letters of Intent
Non-Uniform Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The MAE/MAC Impact on the CBMA vs. COVID-19 Pandemic
The Strategic Outlook of the Global Economy Due to the COVID-19
Resilience and COVID-19 Pandemic
Flattening of the Pandemic Graph
Lockdown and COVID-19 Pandemic
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on International Business Law
Accountancy Issues
Accounting-Related Issues
Long-term Stability vs. Short-term Crisis
The Response of Major Centres and Industrial Sectors
Prevention is Better than Perishing
Anticipation Is Better than Precipitation
International Rules on the CBMA Restructuring
RCEP and the CBMA
COVID-19 Pandemic, the CBMA and Corporate Fraud
Risks and Threats to the CBMA
Mergers and Acquisitions and Distressed Assets
Protective Measures and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Law Business Strategy, the CBMA and COVID-19 Pandemic Impact
Economy and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Litigation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Due Diligence and Emerging Technology
Legal Implications and Labour Law
Impact, Short- and Long-Term of COVID-19 Pandemic on the CBMA
Legal Implications of Failed Negotiations on Price Front
Revenue and Solvency Issues
Date-line Compliance
Legal Position of Merger Law and the Changes in the USA
Regulatory Law in the USA
Pandemic COVID-19 and Lessons
Attempts to Amend the Merger Law in the USA
Work from Home and Quarantine Care and COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Economic Distress and COVID-19 Pandemic
Business during COVID Era
Innovations in Administration
COVID-19 Pandemic and Govt. of India's Response
Opportunistic and Predatory Takeovers
Effects of Timelines and Antitrust Review Mechanism by the State
T-Mobile Sprint Case
The Verdict of DOC, the USA
Conclusions of Law
FTC and COVID-19 Pandemic
Employee Attrition and Precautions in the CBMA Environment due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Strategies in the CBMA
Proper Due Diligence
Evaluation of Business Worth in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Regulatory Aspects by Government and Autonomous Agencies
Compliance to Legal Provisions and Documentation
IBC, CBMA, COVID-19 Pandemic, India and the USA
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Its Effectiveness
Resolving Insolvency
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Non-Performing Assets
IBC vs Insolvency Proceedings in the USA
Timelines and IBC
The Similarity between IBC and USBC
International Opinion about IBC
Effect of IBC in India
Banker's View on IBC
The US Bankruptcy Code, 1978
Comparison of Bankruptcy Regulations between India and the USA
Post-Bankruptcy and Reconstruction
Composition of Creditors Committee and the Law
Historical Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the USA and India in the Context of the CBMA
Impact of Current Pandemic Wave-II in India
6 Pandemics, Business Response, Law and the CBMA
Supply Chain Logistics and COVID-19 Pandemic
Insurance and COVID-19 Pandemic
Case Study of Start-up and Acquisition during COVID-19 Pandemic Era in India
Case Study Example of the Law Enforcement in India as the Cause of Ease of Doing Business in India
New Technology Banking Reforms and COVID-19 Pandemic
Industrial Labour Reforms and Ease of Doing Business Index
Legal Innovation
Online Dispute Resolution and Ease of Doing Business
Digitalisation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Fraud Prevention
Whistle blower Protection and Rule of Law as a Tool for Ease of Doing Business in CBMA Environment
Ultimate Suggestions
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cybersecurity and the CBMA
Cybersecurity, CBMA, and DSCI
National Company Law Tribunal
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resolution for Liquidation
NCLT, COVID-19 and New Electronic Initiatives
7 Fairness in Acts and Activity
Competition Commission of India
IBBI Initiatives and Accountability
The Federal Trade Commission of the USA and Its Performance Snapshot for the Year 2019
Security Exchanges Commission and Mergers Acquisitions Joint Venture Guidelines, an Update in the USA
FDI and Its Links with Foreign Trade Growth in India
Banking Sector Reforms and the CBMA
Start-Ups and New Technologies
The Non-Last Word
8 Recent Reforms in Law in India
One-Person Company Framework (OPC)
21 Version 3.0
NCLT Framework Strengthening
Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance Companies
Securities Market Code
Exemption of Stamp Duty in Government Sale Transactions
Mergers-Acquisitions Vis-a-vis Budget 2021-2022
Latest Developments (till June 24, 2021)
Prevention of Scams/Frauds in CBMAs
Role of NFRA (India), PCAOB (USA)
Comparative Infrastructure in the USA and Lessons to Be Learned
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Jurisdiction
United States and the Doctrine Effect
9 Kaizen for Global Excellence
Recent Examples of Implementation of Legal Provisions in India
Post-COVID Pandemic Changes, Threats and Opportunities
IBBI Regulatory Framework Changed Mandate
Evaluation of Initiatives and Implications for Further Action
Suspending a Tiny Part of IBC
Lessons of the Pandemic-2nd Annum in the Year 2021
Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) in the Corporate Sector
Exposure of New Sectors to Competition and Predation
The Dangers of Living with Obsolescence
Disruptions, Hacking, Cyber Threats and Fraud
Cost of Repetition and the Question of Legitimacy and Intention of Enforcement
Kaizen in the Economy, Law and Integration of Technologies vs Increasing Redundancy of Differentials
Current Reforms in India
Non-Performing Assets and the Banking Law
IBC, IBBA and Specific Law for the Prevention of Insolvency
The Role of Enforcement
Lobbies, Pressure Groups, Publicity and Public Interest Litigation Policy
Indexes of Governance-Ease of Doing Business, Arbitration, Redressal of Disputes, ADRs
Regulatory Authorities and Enforcement
Credibility of the State through Performance of Government
Seamless Connectivity from Military, Medicine and Management (M3) for Diagnosis, Delivery and Diligence (D3)
Law as a Link from the Past, through Present for Future and Perspectives of Law
Law as a Fair Elixir of Tri Virtues-Equality, Freedom and Justice
Corporate Justice, Civil Justice, Criminal Justice and Governance
Global Trade, Export Import 2021 and International Trade in Goods and Services in India
Domestic Trade Policy
Financial Services
Suppliers of Financial Services Must Comply with the Requirements Set Out in the Relevant Legislation
1 Meaning of Mergers and Acquisitions
The Matrix of the Global Economy
Types of Mergers and Acquisitions
Meaning of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (CBMA)
History of the CBMA in India
The CBMA and RBI
Mandatory Prior Approval
Central Government Responsibility of Framing of Rules in Consultation with the RBI
Approval by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Permitted Jurisdiction for an Outbound Merger
Types of CBMAs
The Magnitude of CBMAs
The CBMA and Competition Law in India
The CBMA and Indian Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Financial Sector
CBMA and the Legal Provisions in India
Rules and Regulations
The CBMA and Indian Experience in Implementation
Indian Experience
The FDA and Emerging Markets
The Case of India
Economic Policy Reforms and the CBMA
Major Legal Reforms of the CBMA in India
Demonetisation and the CBMA
Impact of Demonetisation
The CBMA and Growth in Business
The CBMA and Jan Dhan Accounts
People's Inclusiveness and Economic Reforms
Finance Banking Governance Reforms
IT Act and the CBMA
Issuance of Shares in the CBMA
The Framework to the IBC Process-Opportunities
Start-ups and the CBMA
Kaizen and the CBMA
The CBMA and Domestic Experience of Learning Importance
The CBMA and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Foreign Direct Investment Rules
SEBI and the CBMA
Motives for the CBMA
CBMA: Culture and Corporate Governance
The CBMA and Emerging Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
CBMA and the Competition Law, 2002
CBMA and the Stamp Duty Act
CBMA and the Judicial Infrastructure
CBMA and the USA
Securities and Exchange Commission
FTC (The Federal Trade Commission)
The CBMA and USA Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Tax Reforms in the USA, CFC, TIPRA
Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)
FIRPTA, 1980 and THA-2015
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence
The Doctrine of Successor Liability and Department of Justice, USA
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence in Antitrust/Competition Matters
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
The Dodd-Frank Act
National Security in USA and CBMAs
CIFUS and the CBMA
Clayton and the HSR Acts and Amendments
Specific Examples
Comparison between the USA and India
International Law
CBMA and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
CBMA and International Trade
Indices and Ratios
CBMA Emerging Economies, India and BRICS
CBMA in Emerging Economies and Developed Economies
LDC and EM in the CBMA Environment
Emerging Opportunities and CBMA
Comparative CBMA in Various States of the USA
Upheavals in Global Economy
CBMA and Cyber Business
2 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Statutes, Regulations, Rulings, Legislations and Analysis
Culture and the CBMA
CBMAs: Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI)
Solvency and Ongoing Concern
IBC (The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)
Cross-Border Insolvency; India and the USA
The Pre-Pack in the USA
CBMAs and Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA)
Impact of RERA on the Functioning of Real Estate Developers and Other Stakeholders
CBMAs, RERA Priorities Present, and Future
Amendments to PC Act, 1988 and FDI Rules
The CBMA and Insider Trading
The CBMA and Hostile Takeover
The CBMA and Warranties
The CBMA and Industrial Dispute Act and Essential Acts
The CBMA, Specific Relief Act, and Corruption
Corruption and IBC 2016
The CBMA and FDI
Gaps in the CBMA Domestic and International Learning Experience
Purchase and Sales and CBMAs
CBMAs and Influencing Factors
Enabling Factors of the CBMA
Foreign Investors
Motives for the CBMA
The Benefits of the CBMA
Challenges and the CBMA
Corporate Governance
The CBMA Culture Governance and Corporate Governance
Employee Attrition and the CBMA
Comparative Factors, International versus Emerging Countries, and the CBMA
Implementation in Developed Countries-CBMA
Emerging Markets and the CBMA
Example of the CBMA in Intra-emerging Developing Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
Fraud and the CBMA
Insider Trading
Provision of Section 195 of Companies Act, 2013
Competition Law and the CBMA
Provisions and Implementation of the Stamp Duty Act (1899)
Judicial Review
Innovation and the CBMA
Integration and the CBMA
Technology and the CBMA
Research and the CBMA
The Effect of Synergy
Culture and CBMAs
The CBMA and Corruption
Lawyers and the CBMA
Reasons for Failure of the CBMA
3 CBMA, Competition Law, Antitrust and Demerger
Competition, Antitrust and the CBMA
The CBMA and Antitrust Laws
The CBMA and US Antitrust Experience
Case Study
Antitrust Matters and Global Enforcement Guidelines
Antitrust Litigation in the United States
Frivolous, Bad Faith and Sham Commercial Litigation and CBMA
Competition Policy and CBMA in India
Competition Commission of India, Recent Developments
Coordination among Various Regulators
Competition Act, Competition Commission, Mergers, Amalgamation Enforcement, Suggestions
Recent Experience in CBMA and Ease of Doing Business Index
Gaps, Tribunals, Scope for Correction
The Concept of Demergers in India and the USA
Legislative Initiatives in India and Jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry for Corporate Affairs, Government of India
Inbound Mergers
Out Bound Mergers
Companies Compromises and Agreement or Amalgamation Rules, 2016 Bilateral Agreements and CBMA
Nokia's Case
Stamp Duty and CBMA
Stamp Duty Act and Its Implications on CBMA
Stamp Duty Law in India-Legislative Provisions
Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958
Karnataka Stamp Act
Li Taka Pharmaceuticals vs State of Maharashtra (1997)
Hindustan Lever vs State of Maharashtra (2004)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Specific Relief Act, 1963: The Amendment Bill, 2017 Implications on Business Transactions and CBMA
Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Implications of the Amendments to the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA, 1963)
The Proposed Changes
General Rule, Specific Performance and Changes
Discretion Given to Courts and Committees
Rights of Third Parties
Separate Class for Public Contracts
Effects of the Specific Relief (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on the Law of Remedies for Breach of Contract
Limited Liability Act, 2008 and Its Implications on CBMA
LLP Act in India
Corruption Transparency Issues in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, the USA and India
FCPA in the USA
Example of Major Cases
Enforcement in the USA
Control Framework and Structures
Compliance Programmes
Scope of Improvement
Vicarious Liability/Responsibility and CBMA
Anti-corruption due Diligence and Critical Examples
Effectiveness of FCPA Implementation
Critical Examples of Anti-corruption Prosecution in CBMA
Transparency and Evaluation of Indian CBMAs
4 New Legal Initiatives by India in CBMA Environment
Money Laundering and CBMA
SFIO and the CBMA
The Importance of Credit in the CBMA
The CBMA and Banking Reforms
The CBMA and Banking Sector Reforms
RBI Reforms and the CBMA
Tax Havens and the CBMA
Banking Sector and the CBMA
Banking and New Initiatives
Stamp Act and the CBMA
Latest Developments
Improvement in Ease of Doing Business Index
Efforts for Modifications of Law
5 COVID and the CBMA
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Mergers and Acquisitions
COVID-19 Pandemic and the CBMA Trends
Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain Management and COVID-19 Pandemic
Government Regulators
Scope for Increases in FDI and FPI through CBMA during COVID- 19 Pandemic
Travel and Tourism
Regulator Dilemma
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Changes in the Structure of Business in the Context of the CBMA
Investment Funds and SEBI
Letters of Intent
Non-Uniform Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The MAE/MAC Impact on the CBMA vs. COVID-19 Pandemic
The Strategic Outlook of the Global Economy Due to the COVID-19
Resilience and COVID-19 Pandemic
Flattening of the Pandemic Graph
Lockdown and COVID-19 Pandemic
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on International Business Law
Accountancy Issues
Accounting-Related Issues
Long-term Stability vs. Short-term Crisis
The Response of Major Centres and Industrial Sectors
Prevention is Better than Perishing
Anticipation Is Better than Precipitation
International Rules on the CBMA Restructuring
RCEP and the CBMA
COVID-19 Pandemic, the CBMA and Corporate Fraud
Risks and Threats to the CBMA
Mergers and Acquisitions and Distressed Assets
Protective Measures and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Law Business Strategy, the CBMA and COVID-19 Pandemic Impact
Economy and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Litigation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Due Diligence and Emerging Technology
Legal Implications and Labour Law
Impact, Short- and Long-Term of COVID-19 Pandemic on the CBMA
Legal Implications of Failed Negotiations on Price Front
Revenue and Solvency Issues
Date-line Compliance
Legal Position of Merger Law and the Changes in the USA
Regulatory Law in the USA
Pandemic COVID-19 and Lessons
Attempts to Amend the Merger Law in the USA
Work from Home and Quarantine Care and COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Economic Distress and COVID-19 Pandemic
Business during COVID Era
Innovations in Administration
COVID-19 Pandemic and Govt. of India's Response
Opportunistic and Predatory Takeovers
Effects of Timelines and Antitrust Review Mechanism by the State
T-Mobile Sprint Case
The Verdict of DOC, the USA
Conclusions of Law
FTC and COVID-19 Pandemic
Employee Attrition and Precautions in the CBMA Environment due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Strategies in the CBMA
Proper Due Diligence
Evaluation of Business Worth in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Regulatory Aspects by Government and Autonomous Agencies
Compliance to Legal Provisions and Documentation
IBC, CBMA, COVID-19 Pandemic, India and the USA
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Its Effectiveness
Resolving Insolvency
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Non-Performing Assets
IBC vs Insolvency Proceedings in the USA
Timelines and IBC
The Similarity between IBC and USBC
International Opinion about IBC
Effect of IBC in India
Banker's View on IBC
The US Bankruptcy Code, 1978
Comparison of Bankruptcy Regulations between India and the USA
Post-Bankruptcy and Reconstruction
Composition of Creditors Committee and the Law
Historical Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the USA and India in the Context of the CBMA
Impact of Current Pandemic Wave-II in India
6 Pandemics, Business Response, Law and the CBMA
Supply Chain Logistics and COVID-19 Pandemic
Insurance and COVID-19 Pandemic
Case Study of Start-up and Acquisition during COVID-19 Pandemic Era in India
Case Study Example of the Law Enforcement in India as the Cause of Ease of Doing Business in India
New Technology Banking Reforms and COVID-19 Pandemic
Industrial Labour Reforms and Ease of Doing Business Index
Legal Innovation
Online Dispute Resolution and Ease of Doing Business
Digitalisation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Fraud Prevention
Whistle blower Protection and Rule of Law as a Tool for Ease of Doing Business in CBMA Environment
Ultimate Suggestions
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cybersecurity and the CBMA
Cybersecurity, CBMA, and DSCI
National Company Law Tribunal
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resolution for Liquidation
NCLT, COVID-19 and New Electronic Initiatives
7 Fairness in Acts and Activity
Competition Commission of India
IBBI Initiatives and Accountability
The Federal Trade Commission of the USA and Its Performance Snapshot for the Year 2019
Security Exchanges Commission and Mergers Acquisitions Joint Venture Guidelines, an Update in the USA
FDI and Its Links with Foreign Trade Growth in India
Banking Sector Reforms and the CBMA
Start-Ups and New Technologies
The Non-Last Word
8 Recent Reforms in Law in India
One-Person Company Framework (OPC)
21 Version 3.0
NCLT Framework Strengthening
Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance Companies
Securities Market Code
Exemption of Stamp Duty in Government Sale Transactions
Mergers-Acquisitions Vis-a-vis Budget 2021-2022
Latest Developments (till June 24, 2021)
Prevention of Scams/Frauds in CBMAs
Role of NFRA (India), PCAOB (USA)
Comparative Infrastructure in the USA and Lessons to Be Learned
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Jurisdiction
United States and the Doctrine Effect
9 Kaizen for Global Excellence
Recent Examples of Implementation of Legal Provisions in India
Post-COVID Pandemic Changes, Threats and Opportunities
IBBI Regulatory Framework Changed Mandate
Evaluation of Initiatives and Implications for Further Action
Suspending a Tiny Part of IBC
Lessons of the Pandemic-2nd Annum in the Year 2021
Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) in the Corporate Sector
Exposure of New Sectors to Competition and Predation
The Dangers of Living with Obsolescence
Disruptions, Hacking, Cyber Threats and Fraud
Cost of Repetition and the Question of Legitimacy and Intention of Enforcement
Kaizen in the Economy, Law and Integration of Technologies vs Increasing Redundancy of Differentials
Current Reforms in India
Non-Performing Assets and the Banking Law
IBC, IBBA and Specific Law for the Prevention of Insolvency
The Role of Enforcement
Lobbies, Pressure Groups, Publicity and Public Interest Litigation Policy
Indexes of Governance-Ease of Doing Business, Arbitration, Redressal of Disputes, ADRs
Regulatory Authorities and Enforcement
Credibility of the State through Performance of Government
Seamless Connectivity from Military, Medicine and Management (M3) for Diagnosis, Delivery and Diligence (D3)
Law as a Link from the Past, through Present for Future and Perspectives of Law
Law as a Fair Elixir of Tri Virtues-Equality, Freedom and Justice
Corporate Justice, Civil Justice, Criminal Justice and Governance
Global Trade, Export Import 2021 and International Trade in Goods and Services in India
Domestic Trade Policy
Financial Services
Suppliers of Financial Services Must Comply with the Requirements Set Out in the Relevant Legislation
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World Order;Cross Border Mergers;FACTA;CMBA;Mergers and Acquisitions;Borders
1 Meaning of Mergers and Acquisitions
The Matrix of the Global Economy
Types of Mergers and Acquisitions
Meaning of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (CBMA)
History of the CBMA in India
The CBMA and RBI
Mandatory Prior Approval
Central Government Responsibility of Framing of Rules in Consultation with the RBI
Approval by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Permitted Jurisdiction for an Outbound Merger
Types of CBMAs
The Magnitude of CBMAs
The CBMA and Competition Law in India
The CBMA and Indian Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Financial Sector
CBMA and the Legal Provisions in India
Rules and Regulations
The CBMA and Indian Experience in Implementation
Indian Experience
The FDA and Emerging Markets
The Case of India
Economic Policy Reforms and the CBMA
Major Legal Reforms of the CBMA in India
Demonetisation and the CBMA
Impact of Demonetisation
The CBMA and Growth in Business
The CBMA and Jan Dhan Accounts
People's Inclusiveness and Economic Reforms
Finance Banking Governance Reforms
IT Act and the CBMA
Issuance of Shares in the CBMA
The Framework to the IBC Process-Opportunities
Start-ups and the CBMA
Kaizen and the CBMA
The CBMA and Domestic Experience of Learning Importance
The CBMA and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Foreign Direct Investment Rules
SEBI and the CBMA
Motives for the CBMA
CBMA: Culture and Corporate Governance
The CBMA and Emerging Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
CBMA and the Competition Law, 2002
CBMA and the Stamp Duty Act
CBMA and the Judicial Infrastructure
CBMA and the USA
Securities and Exchange Commission
FTC (The Federal Trade Commission)
The CBMA and USA Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Tax Reforms in the USA, CFC, TIPRA
Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)
FIRPTA, 1980 and THA-2015
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence
The Doctrine of Successor Liability and Department of Justice, USA
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence in Antitrust/Competition Matters
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
The Dodd-Frank Act
National Security in USA and CBMAs
CIFUS and the CBMA
Clayton and the HSR Acts and Amendments
Specific Examples
Comparison between the USA and India
International Law
CBMA and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
CBMA and International Trade
Indices and Ratios
CBMA Emerging Economies, India and BRICS
CBMA in Emerging Economies and Developed Economies
LDC and EM in the CBMA Environment
Emerging Opportunities and CBMA
Comparative CBMA in Various States of the USA
Upheavals in Global Economy
CBMA and Cyber Business
2 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Statutes, Regulations, Rulings, Legislations and Analysis
Culture and the CBMA
CBMAs: Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI)
Solvency and Ongoing Concern
IBC (The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)
Cross-Border Insolvency; India and the USA
The Pre-Pack in the USA
CBMAs and Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA)
Impact of RERA on the Functioning of Real Estate Developers and Other Stakeholders
CBMAs, RERA Priorities Present, and Future
Amendments to PC Act, 1988 and FDI Rules
The CBMA and Insider Trading
The CBMA and Hostile Takeover
The CBMA and Warranties
The CBMA and Industrial Dispute Act and Essential Acts
The CBMA, Specific Relief Act, and Corruption
Corruption and IBC 2016
The CBMA and FDI
Gaps in the CBMA Domestic and International Learning Experience
Purchase and Sales and CBMAs
CBMAs and Influencing Factors
Enabling Factors of the CBMA
Foreign Investors
Motives for the CBMA
The Benefits of the CBMA
Challenges and the CBMA
Corporate Governance
The CBMA Culture Governance and Corporate Governance
Employee Attrition and the CBMA
Comparative Factors, International versus Emerging Countries, and the CBMA
Implementation in Developed Countries-CBMA
Emerging Markets and the CBMA
Example of the CBMA in Intra-emerging Developing Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
Fraud and the CBMA
Insider Trading
Provision of Section 195 of Companies Act, 2013
Competition Law and the CBMA
Provisions and Implementation of the Stamp Duty Act (1899)
Judicial Review
Innovation and the CBMA
Integration and the CBMA
Technology and the CBMA
Research and the CBMA
The Effect of Synergy
Culture and CBMAs
The CBMA and Corruption
Lawyers and the CBMA
Reasons for Failure of the CBMA
3 CBMA, Competition Law, Antitrust and Demerger
Competition, Antitrust and the CBMA
The CBMA and Antitrust Laws
The CBMA and US Antitrust Experience
Case Study
Antitrust Matters and Global Enforcement Guidelines
Antitrust Litigation in the United States
Frivolous, Bad Faith and Sham Commercial Litigation and CBMA
Competition Policy and CBMA in India
Competition Commission of India, Recent Developments
Coordination among Various Regulators
Competition Act, Competition Commission, Mergers, Amalgamation Enforcement, Suggestions
Recent Experience in CBMA and Ease of Doing Business Index
Gaps, Tribunals, Scope for Correction
The Concept of Demergers in India and the USA
Legislative Initiatives in India and Jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry for Corporate Affairs, Government of India
Inbound Mergers
Out Bound Mergers
Companies Compromises and Agreement or Amalgamation Rules, 2016 Bilateral Agreements and CBMA
Nokia's Case
Stamp Duty and CBMA
Stamp Duty Act and Its Implications on CBMA
Stamp Duty Law in India-Legislative Provisions
Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958
Karnataka Stamp Act
Li Taka Pharmaceuticals vs State of Maharashtra (1997)
Hindustan Lever vs State of Maharashtra (2004)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Specific Relief Act, 1963: The Amendment Bill, 2017 Implications on Business Transactions and CBMA
Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Implications of the Amendments to the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA, 1963)
The Proposed Changes
General Rule, Specific Performance and Changes
Discretion Given to Courts and Committees
Rights of Third Parties
Separate Class for Public Contracts
Effects of the Specific Relief (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on the Law of Remedies for Breach of Contract
Limited Liability Act, 2008 and Its Implications on CBMA
LLP Act in India
Corruption Transparency Issues in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, the USA and India
FCPA in the USA
Example of Major Cases
Enforcement in the USA
Control Framework and Structures
Compliance Programmes
Scope of Improvement
Vicarious Liability/Responsibility and CBMA
Anti-corruption due Diligence and Critical Examples
Effectiveness of FCPA Implementation
Critical Examples of Anti-corruption Prosecution in CBMA
Transparency and Evaluation of Indian CBMAs
4 New Legal Initiatives by India in CBMA Environment
Money Laundering and CBMA
SFIO and the CBMA
The Importance of Credit in the CBMA
The CBMA and Banking Reforms
The CBMA and Banking Sector Reforms
RBI Reforms and the CBMA
Tax Havens and the CBMA
Banking Sector and the CBMA
Banking and New Initiatives
Stamp Act and the CBMA
Latest Developments
Improvement in Ease of Doing Business Index
Efforts for Modifications of Law
5 COVID and the CBMA
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Mergers and Acquisitions
COVID-19 Pandemic and the CBMA Trends
Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain Management and COVID-19 Pandemic
Government Regulators
Scope for Increases in FDI and FPI through CBMA during COVID- 19 Pandemic
Travel and Tourism
Regulator Dilemma
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Changes in the Structure of Business in the Context of the CBMA
Investment Funds and SEBI
Letters of Intent
Non-Uniform Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The MAE/MAC Impact on the CBMA vs. COVID-19 Pandemic
The Strategic Outlook of the Global Economy Due to the COVID-19
Resilience and COVID-19 Pandemic
Flattening of the Pandemic Graph
Lockdown and COVID-19 Pandemic
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on International Business Law
Accountancy Issues
Accounting-Related Issues
Long-term Stability vs. Short-term Crisis
The Response of Major Centres and Industrial Sectors
Prevention is Better than Perishing
Anticipation Is Better than Precipitation
International Rules on the CBMA Restructuring
RCEP and the CBMA
COVID-19 Pandemic, the CBMA and Corporate Fraud
Risks and Threats to the CBMA
Mergers and Acquisitions and Distressed Assets
Protective Measures and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Law Business Strategy, the CBMA and COVID-19 Pandemic Impact
Economy and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Litigation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Due Diligence and Emerging Technology
Legal Implications and Labour Law
Impact, Short- and Long-Term of COVID-19 Pandemic on the CBMA
Legal Implications of Failed Negotiations on Price Front
Revenue and Solvency Issues
Date-line Compliance
Legal Position of Merger Law and the Changes in the USA
Regulatory Law in the USA
Pandemic COVID-19 and Lessons
Attempts to Amend the Merger Law in the USA
Work from Home and Quarantine Care and COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Economic Distress and COVID-19 Pandemic
Business during COVID Era
Innovations in Administration
COVID-19 Pandemic and Govt. of India's Response
Opportunistic and Predatory Takeovers
Effects of Timelines and Antitrust Review Mechanism by the State
T-Mobile Sprint Case
The Verdict of DOC, the USA
Conclusions of Law
FTC and COVID-19 Pandemic
Employee Attrition and Precautions in the CBMA Environment due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Strategies in the CBMA
Proper Due Diligence
Evaluation of Business Worth in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Regulatory Aspects by Government and Autonomous Agencies
Compliance to Legal Provisions and Documentation
IBC, CBMA, COVID-19 Pandemic, India and the USA
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Its Effectiveness
Resolving Insolvency
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Non-Performing Assets
IBC vs Insolvency Proceedings in the USA
Timelines and IBC
The Similarity between IBC and USBC
International Opinion about IBC
Effect of IBC in India
Banker's View on IBC
The US Bankruptcy Code, 1978
Comparison of Bankruptcy Regulations between India and the USA
Post-Bankruptcy and Reconstruction
Composition of Creditors Committee and the Law
Historical Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the USA and India in the Context of the CBMA
Impact of Current Pandemic Wave-II in India
6 Pandemics, Business Response, Law and the CBMA
Supply Chain Logistics and COVID-19 Pandemic
Insurance and COVID-19 Pandemic
Case Study of Start-up and Acquisition during COVID-19 Pandemic Era in India
Case Study Example of the Law Enforcement in India as the Cause of Ease of Doing Business in India
New Technology Banking Reforms and COVID-19 Pandemic
Industrial Labour Reforms and Ease of Doing Business Index
Legal Innovation
Online Dispute Resolution and Ease of Doing Business
Digitalisation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Fraud Prevention
Whistle blower Protection and Rule of Law as a Tool for Ease of Doing Business in CBMA Environment
Ultimate Suggestions
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cybersecurity and the CBMA
Cybersecurity, CBMA, and DSCI
National Company Law Tribunal
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resolution for Liquidation
NCLT, COVID-19 and New Electronic Initiatives
7 Fairness in Acts and Activity
Competition Commission of India
IBBI Initiatives and Accountability
The Federal Trade Commission of the USA and Its Performance Snapshot for the Year 2019
Security Exchanges Commission and Mergers Acquisitions Joint Venture Guidelines, an Update in the USA
FDI and Its Links with Foreign Trade Growth in India
Banking Sector Reforms and the CBMA
Start-Ups and New Technologies
The Non-Last Word
8 Recent Reforms in Law in India
One-Person Company Framework (OPC)
21 Version 3.0
NCLT Framework Strengthening
Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance Companies
Securities Market Code
Exemption of Stamp Duty in Government Sale Transactions
Mergers-Acquisitions Vis-a-vis Budget 2021-2022
Latest Developments (till June 24, 2021)
Prevention of Scams/Frauds in CBMAs
Role of NFRA (India), PCAOB (USA)
Comparative Infrastructure in the USA and Lessons to Be Learned
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Jurisdiction
United States and the Doctrine Effect
9 Kaizen for Global Excellence
Recent Examples of Implementation of Legal Provisions in India
Post-COVID Pandemic Changes, Threats and Opportunities
IBBI Regulatory Framework Changed Mandate
Evaluation of Initiatives and Implications for Further Action
Suspending a Tiny Part of IBC
Lessons of the Pandemic-2nd Annum in the Year 2021
Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) in the Corporate Sector
Exposure of New Sectors to Competition and Predation
The Dangers of Living with Obsolescence
Disruptions, Hacking, Cyber Threats and Fraud
Cost of Repetition and the Question of Legitimacy and Intention of Enforcement
Kaizen in the Economy, Law and Integration of Technologies vs Increasing Redundancy of Differentials
Current Reforms in India
Non-Performing Assets and the Banking Law
IBC, IBBA and Specific Law for the Prevention of Insolvency
The Role of Enforcement
Lobbies, Pressure Groups, Publicity and Public Interest Litigation Policy
Indexes of Governance-Ease of Doing Business, Arbitration, Redressal of Disputes, ADRs
Regulatory Authorities and Enforcement
Credibility of the State through Performance of Government
Seamless Connectivity from Military, Medicine and Management (M3) for Diagnosis, Delivery and Diligence (D3)
Law as a Link from the Past, through Present for Future and Perspectives of Law
Law as a Fair Elixir of Tri Virtues-Equality, Freedom and Justice
Corporate Justice, Civil Justice, Criminal Justice and Governance
Global Trade, Export Import 2021 and International Trade in Goods and Services in India
Domestic Trade Policy
Financial Services
Suppliers of Financial Services Must Comply with the Requirements Set Out in the Relevant Legislation
1 Meaning of Mergers and Acquisitions
The Matrix of the Global Economy
Types of Mergers and Acquisitions
Meaning of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (CBMA)
History of the CBMA in India
The CBMA and RBI
Mandatory Prior Approval
Central Government Responsibility of Framing of Rules in Consultation with the RBI
Approval by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
Permitted Jurisdiction for an Outbound Merger
Types of CBMAs
The Magnitude of CBMAs
The CBMA and Competition Law in India
The CBMA and Indian Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Financial Sector
CBMA and the Legal Provisions in India
Rules and Regulations
The CBMA and Indian Experience in Implementation
Indian Experience
The FDA and Emerging Markets
The Case of India
Economic Policy Reforms and the CBMA
Major Legal Reforms of the CBMA in India
Demonetisation and the CBMA
Impact of Demonetisation
The CBMA and Growth in Business
The CBMA and Jan Dhan Accounts
People's Inclusiveness and Economic Reforms
Finance Banking Governance Reforms
IT Act and the CBMA
Issuance of Shares in the CBMA
The Framework to the IBC Process-Opportunities
Start-ups and the CBMA
Kaizen and the CBMA
The CBMA and Domestic Experience of Learning Importance
The CBMA and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Foreign Direct Investment Rules
SEBI and the CBMA
Motives for the CBMA
CBMA: Culture and Corporate Governance
The CBMA and Emerging Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
CBMA and the Competition Law, 2002
CBMA and the Stamp Duty Act
CBMA and the Judicial Infrastructure
CBMA and the USA
Securities and Exchange Commission
FTC (The Federal Trade Commission)
The CBMA and USA Tax Reforms
The CBMA and Tax Reforms in the USA, CFC, TIPRA
Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)
FIRPTA, 1980 and THA-2015
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence
The Doctrine of Successor Liability and Department of Justice, USA
CBMA and Legal Due Diligence in Antitrust/Competition Matters
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
The Dodd-Frank Act
National Security in USA and CBMAs
CIFUS and the CBMA
Clayton and the HSR Acts and Amendments
Specific Examples
Comparison between the USA and India
International Law
CBMA and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
CBMA and International Trade
Indices and Ratios
CBMA Emerging Economies, India and BRICS
CBMA in Emerging Economies and Developed Economies
LDC and EM in the CBMA Environment
Emerging Opportunities and CBMA
Comparative CBMA in Various States of the USA
Upheavals in Global Economy
CBMA and Cyber Business
2 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Statutes, Regulations, Rulings, Legislations and Analysis
Culture and the CBMA
CBMAs: Ease of Doing Business
Ease of Doing Business Index (EDBI)
Solvency and Ongoing Concern
IBC (The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)
Cross-Border Insolvency; India and the USA
The Pre-Pack in the USA
CBMAs and Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA)
Impact of RERA on the Functioning of Real Estate Developers and Other Stakeholders
CBMAs, RERA Priorities Present, and Future
Amendments to PC Act, 1988 and FDI Rules
The CBMA and Insider Trading
The CBMA and Hostile Takeover
The CBMA and Warranties
The CBMA and Industrial Dispute Act and Essential Acts
The CBMA, Specific Relief Act, and Corruption
Corruption and IBC 2016
The CBMA and FDI
Gaps in the CBMA Domestic and International Learning Experience
Purchase and Sales and CBMAs
CBMAs and Influencing Factors
Enabling Factors of the CBMA
Foreign Investors
Motives for the CBMA
The Benefits of the CBMA
Challenges and the CBMA
Corporate Governance
The CBMA Culture Governance and Corporate Governance
Employee Attrition and the CBMA
Comparative Factors, International versus Emerging Countries, and the CBMA
Implementation in Developed Countries-CBMA
Emerging Markets and the CBMA
Example of the CBMA in Intra-emerging Developing Countries
The CBMA and Specific Types of Mergers
Fraud and the CBMA
Insider Trading
Provision of Section 195 of Companies Act, 2013
Competition Law and the CBMA
Provisions and Implementation of the Stamp Duty Act (1899)
Judicial Review
Innovation and the CBMA
Integration and the CBMA
Technology and the CBMA
Research and the CBMA
The Effect of Synergy
Culture and CBMAs
The CBMA and Corruption
Lawyers and the CBMA
Reasons for Failure of the CBMA
3 CBMA, Competition Law, Antitrust and Demerger
Competition, Antitrust and the CBMA
The CBMA and Antitrust Laws
The CBMA and US Antitrust Experience
Case Study
Antitrust Matters and Global Enforcement Guidelines
Antitrust Litigation in the United States
Frivolous, Bad Faith and Sham Commercial Litigation and CBMA
Competition Policy and CBMA in India
Competition Commission of India, Recent Developments
Coordination among Various Regulators
Competition Act, Competition Commission, Mergers, Amalgamation Enforcement, Suggestions
Recent Experience in CBMA and Ease of Doing Business Index
Gaps, Tribunals, Scope for Correction
The Concept of Demergers in India and the USA
Legislative Initiatives in India and Jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry for Corporate Affairs, Government of India
Inbound Mergers
Out Bound Mergers
Companies Compromises and Agreement or Amalgamation Rules, 2016 Bilateral Agreements and CBMA
Nokia's Case
Stamp Duty and CBMA
Stamp Duty Act and Its Implications on CBMA
Stamp Duty Law in India-Legislative Provisions
Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958
Karnataka Stamp Act
Li Taka Pharmaceuticals vs State of Maharashtra (1997)
Hindustan Lever vs State of Maharashtra (2004)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Delhi Towers Ltd vs GNCT of Delhi (2009)
Specific Relief Act, 1963: The Amendment Bill, 2017 Implications on Business Transactions and CBMA
Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Implications of the Amendments to the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA, 1963)
The Proposed Changes
General Rule, Specific Performance and Changes
Discretion Given to Courts and Committees
Rights of Third Parties
Separate Class for Public Contracts
Effects of the Specific Relief (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on the Law of Remedies for Breach of Contract
Limited Liability Act, 2008 and Its Implications on CBMA
LLP Act in India
Corruption Transparency Issues in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, the USA and India
FCPA in the USA
Example of Major Cases
Enforcement in the USA
Control Framework and Structures
Compliance Programmes
Scope of Improvement
Vicarious Liability/Responsibility and CBMA
Anti-corruption due Diligence and Critical Examples
Effectiveness of FCPA Implementation
Critical Examples of Anti-corruption Prosecution in CBMA
Transparency and Evaluation of Indian CBMAs
4 New Legal Initiatives by India in CBMA Environment
Money Laundering and CBMA
SFIO and the CBMA
The Importance of Credit in the CBMA
The CBMA and Banking Reforms
The CBMA and Banking Sector Reforms
RBI Reforms and the CBMA
Tax Havens and the CBMA
Banking Sector and the CBMA
Banking and New Initiatives
Stamp Act and the CBMA
Latest Developments
Improvement in Ease of Doing Business Index
Efforts for Modifications of Law
5 COVID and the CBMA
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Mergers and Acquisitions
COVID-19 Pandemic and the CBMA Trends
Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain Management and COVID-19 Pandemic
Government Regulators
Scope for Increases in FDI and FPI through CBMA during COVID- 19 Pandemic
Travel and Tourism
Regulator Dilemma
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Changes in the Structure of Business in the Context of the CBMA
Investment Funds and SEBI
Letters of Intent
Non-Uniform Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The MAE/MAC Impact on the CBMA vs. COVID-19 Pandemic
The Strategic Outlook of the Global Economy Due to the COVID-19
Resilience and COVID-19 Pandemic
Flattening of the Pandemic Graph
Lockdown and COVID-19 Pandemic
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on International Business Law
Accountancy Issues
Accounting-Related Issues
Long-term Stability vs. Short-term Crisis
The Response of Major Centres and Industrial Sectors
Prevention is Better than Perishing
Anticipation Is Better than Precipitation
International Rules on the CBMA Restructuring
RCEP and the CBMA
COVID-19 Pandemic, the CBMA and Corporate Fraud
Risks and Threats to the CBMA
Mergers and Acquisitions and Distressed Assets
Protective Measures and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Law Business Strategy, the CBMA and COVID-19 Pandemic Impact
Economy and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Litigation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Due Diligence and Emerging Technology
Legal Implications and Labour Law
Impact, Short- and Long-Term of COVID-19 Pandemic on the CBMA
Legal Implications of Failed Negotiations on Price Front
Revenue and Solvency Issues
Date-line Compliance
Legal Position of Merger Law and the Changes in the USA
Regulatory Law in the USA
Pandemic COVID-19 and Lessons
Attempts to Amend the Merger Law in the USA
Work from Home and Quarantine Care and COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Economic Distress and COVID-19 Pandemic
Business during COVID Era
Innovations in Administration
COVID-19 Pandemic and Govt. of India's Response
Opportunistic and Predatory Takeovers
Effects of Timelines and Antitrust Review Mechanism by the State
T-Mobile Sprint Case
The Verdict of DOC, the USA
Conclusions of Law
FTC and COVID-19 Pandemic
Employee Attrition and Precautions in the CBMA Environment due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Strategies in the CBMA
Proper Due Diligence
Evaluation of Business Worth in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Regulatory Aspects by Government and Autonomous Agencies
Compliance to Legal Provisions and Documentation
IBC, CBMA, COVID-19 Pandemic, India and the USA
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code and Its Effectiveness
Resolving Insolvency
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Non-Performing Assets
IBC vs Insolvency Proceedings in the USA
Timelines and IBC
The Similarity between IBC and USBC
International Opinion about IBC
Effect of IBC in India
Banker's View on IBC
The US Bankruptcy Code, 1978
Comparison of Bankruptcy Regulations between India and the USA
Post-Bankruptcy and Reconstruction
Composition of Creditors Committee and the Law
Historical Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the USA and India in the Context of the CBMA
Impact of Current Pandemic Wave-II in India
6 Pandemics, Business Response, Law and the CBMA
Supply Chain Logistics and COVID-19 Pandemic
Insurance and COVID-19 Pandemic
Case Study of Start-up and Acquisition during COVID-19 Pandemic Era in India
Case Study Example of the Law Enforcement in India as the Cause of Ease of Doing Business in India
New Technology Banking Reforms and COVID-19 Pandemic
Industrial Labour Reforms and Ease of Doing Business Index
Legal Innovation
Online Dispute Resolution and Ease of Doing Business
Digitalisation and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Fraud Prevention
Whistle blower Protection and Rule of Law as a Tool for Ease of Doing Business in CBMA Environment
Ultimate Suggestions
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cybersecurity and the CBMA
Cybersecurity, CBMA, and DSCI
National Company Law Tribunal
COVID-19 Pandemic and Resolution for Liquidation
NCLT, COVID-19 and New Electronic Initiatives
7 Fairness in Acts and Activity
Competition Commission of India
IBBI Initiatives and Accountability
The Federal Trade Commission of the USA and Its Performance Snapshot for the Year 2019
Security Exchanges Commission and Mergers Acquisitions Joint Venture Guidelines, an Update in the USA
FDI and Its Links with Foreign Trade Growth in India
Banking Sector Reforms and the CBMA
Start-Ups and New Technologies
The Non-Last Word
8 Recent Reforms in Law in India
One-Person Company Framework (OPC)
21 Version 3.0
NCLT Framework Strengthening
Foreign Direct Investment in Insurance Companies
Securities Market Code
Exemption of Stamp Duty in Government Sale Transactions
Mergers-Acquisitions Vis-a-vis Budget 2021-2022
Latest Developments (till June 24, 2021)
Prevention of Scams/Frauds in CBMAs
Role of NFRA (India), PCAOB (USA)
Comparative Infrastructure in the USA and Lessons to Be Learned
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Jurisdiction
United States and the Doctrine Effect
9 Kaizen for Global Excellence
Recent Examples of Implementation of Legal Provisions in India
Post-COVID Pandemic Changes, Threats and Opportunities
IBBI Regulatory Framework Changed Mandate
Evaluation of Initiatives and Implications for Further Action
Suspending a Tiny Part of IBC
Lessons of the Pandemic-2nd Annum in the Year 2021
Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) in the Corporate Sector
Exposure of New Sectors to Competition and Predation
The Dangers of Living with Obsolescence
Disruptions, Hacking, Cyber Threats and Fraud
Cost of Repetition and the Question of Legitimacy and Intention of Enforcement
Kaizen in the Economy, Law and Integration of Technologies vs Increasing Redundancy of Differentials
Current Reforms in India
Non-Performing Assets and the Banking Law
IBC, IBBA and Specific Law for the Prevention of Insolvency
The Role of Enforcement
Lobbies, Pressure Groups, Publicity and Public Interest Litigation Policy
Indexes of Governance-Ease of Doing Business, Arbitration, Redressal of Disputes, ADRs
Regulatory Authorities and Enforcement
Credibility of the State through Performance of Government
Seamless Connectivity from Military, Medicine and Management (M3) for Diagnosis, Delivery and Diligence (D3)
Law as a Link from the Past, through Present for Future and Perspectives of Law
Law as a Fair Elixir of Tri Virtues-Equality, Freedom and Justice
Corporate Justice, Civil Justice, Criminal Justice and Governance
Global Trade, Export Import 2021 and International Trade in Goods and Services in India
Domestic Trade Policy
Financial Services
Suppliers of Financial Services Must Comply with the Requirements Set Out in the Relevant Legislation
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